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June 2019
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Hi Folks and welcome to the DPC Newsletter for November 2019.

This Month.

  1. Final 2019 Courses
  2. 2020 Calendar Coming Soon.
  3. Extra 221 and 121 Days - Lightroom & Night Course
  4. November Project - Autumn in Close-up

Final 2019 Courses
Our group course training year ends on Sunday 1st December and I have just a few spaces left for the final group courses of Studio Portrait, Flash and Creative Lighting.

Some course will still be available as midweek 221s at £199 each. Contact me with your preferred course and availability and I'll try to find a 2nd person.

Upcoming Courses

Winter 221 Courses

Creative Lighting Course Sun 1st December

This is a great fun course for those dark winter months. We take pictures of water droplets, peppers splashing into water, smoke trails and any other silliness we can think of on the day.

We also show you how to use other light sources, like candles, torches and Christmas Lights, to create bokeh effects. It's the ideal course if you would like to know how to use your shiny new flashgun or just fancy some nice pictures for your kitchen wall.

A flash extension cable or remote release for your flashgun is very useful for this course and you will also require a tripod but we do keep a couple of spares.


Which courses would you like for 2020 Poll.

I will be adding a poll to the Facebook Page so people can vote for the courses they want next year -

2020 Calendar Coming Soon.

A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to the 2020 DPC Calendar. The voting ends at midnight 31st October 2019 and I should have copies available mid November here -

Extra Night Photography Course 221 at £175 or Private Tuition at £250.

The last group Night Photography Course sold out and the next one will be in February 2020. I do have a few people wanting a night course this year so I have a couple of options. This course is available as a midweek 221 at just £175 per person rather than the normal £199 for 221. This is because the training time is slightly less but we still cover all the same topics quicker as there are only two students. The course is also available as a 221. Contact me if interested.

Milky Way Photography Course

On the subject of night photography I’ve been asked about a Milky Way Photography Course during the winter.

This would be an advanced course showing you how to shoot the Milky Way then edit the images in Lightroom and Photoshop.

I’ll also include some exposure and focus stacking techniques, to reduce noise, plus some light painting to add light to foreground objects.

This will be run as a 221 at £175 each or a 121 at £250 and would suit someone who has attended the Lightroom and standard Night Courses as I will not have time to cover the basics again.

This would be a midweek course and it’s likely to run from about 5-10pm with a light snack and hot drinks.

Depending on the weather we’ll either do the editing techniques first then the stars or switch that around. Obviously I can’t guarantee clear skies so I will provide Milky Way files you can use with your images if needed.

Let me know if you fancy this.

Milky Way

Which courses would you like for 2020 Poll.

I will be adding a poll to the Facebook Page so people can vote for the courses they want next year -

Please Contact us for Lightroom or Photoshop Courses

You will require a laptop with Lightroom CC installed but we do carry a couple of spare laptops. This course also includes the option to icorporate a small amount of Photoshop work. This usually involves creating a logo to add to your exported images for that professional look.

Learning Outcomes and Topics Covered

  • Understanding the Lightroom Interface
  • How to Import images into Lightroom
  • Navigating the Library Module
  • Choosing and Rating your images
  • Basic corrections in the Library Module
  • Making adjustments in the Develop Module
  • Retouching using the Spot Removal Brush
  • Straightening, Cropping and Image Ratios
  • Adding Copyright Information
  • Exporting to a Folder with Various Presets
  • Overview of the Map, Photo Book, Slideshow & Print Modules

The day starts with the Lightroom interface and how to import images, choosing & rating images, editing, cropping and exporting. You are encouraged to bring some of your own images on a USB stick or SD Card but sample images will be provided. /
25 Westerby Lane, Smeeton Westerby, Leics, LE8 0RA 0116 2796906


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